Indy becomes entangled in a Soviet plot to uncover the mystery
behind a Crystal Skull that is unlike anything on this earth. ACTION/FANTASY
Indiana Jones and the
Oh, how the mighty have fallen. A series that had three excellent films now has to live with this very disappointing fourth installment. While Harrison Ford still gives it his all and is fun to watch, the movie falls apart due to overuse of CGI and aliens being figured into the plot.
Let's start with the positives, of which just boils down to the performances. Harrison Ford doesn't skip a step in his performance of the iconic character. Karen Allen easily falls back in to the role of Marion Ravenwood. Unlike a lot of people, I like Shia LaBeouf and thought he gave a great performance as Mutt Williams. He creates a likable character and perfect sidekick to Indy. Besides these performances, the rest of the film just doesn't work. The decision to mainly use CGI in a series mainly known for its practical effects was not a wise one. It leads to a lot of generally laughable scenes. I also didn't agree with how Indy ends up finding an alien artifact. This just doesn't fit with the previous installments' religious artifacts and takes me out of the film a little bit. Overall, the only thing saving this film is the performances from the main actors. They give it their all and and make the film somewhat enjoyable. Apart from that, this is a generally disappointing entry in an otherwise excellent franchise. |