Boy, it felt good to be back in a movie theater. After five months of withdrawal, it felt amazing to sit in a comfy recliner and be immersed in the cinematic experience. And what a dark horse film to do it with. Unhinged has been getting panned across the board, with most people faulting it for not being intelligent. Who gives a shit about intelligence with a film like this? It's basically Duel with a bit of The Hitcher thrown in for good measure, and all led by a killer performance from Russell Crowe. It's the perfect film for a horror buff to use to ease their way back into the theater scene.
Stressed-out mom Rachel (Pistorius) is having a rough day. She overslept, which got her fired, and she got stuck in traffic taking her son Kyle (Bateman) to school. So, when she gets stuck behind a truck that won't move at a green light, she honks. Later, the driver of the truck, Tom Cooper (Crowe), pulls up beside her and kindly asks her to apologize. She refuses, unaware that the man she's pissed off has a history of violence and obsession, having just murdered his ex-wife. Now, Rachel is in the fight of her life as Tom hunts her down relentessly, killing her friends and family to teach her a lesson about consequences. It's a brutal, unapologetic film with the rough lesson of "Trust no one." However, the performances are solid, the kills are grisly, and the ending is oh so satisfying. Unhinged is going to bomb hard at the box office, partly because of the ongoing pandemic but also because films like this tend to be ignored. The road thriller has been dead a long time, but Unhinged tries so hard to bring it back. After all, none of us know who is driving in the cars beside us on the highway. One angry honk could be the trigger that sets off the worst case of road rage of all time. So be safe out there, and drive smart. |