A young boy ends up with a gang of dwarves who have stolen a map of time from God himself and plan to use it to steal riches from every era.
Time Bandits (1981)Directed by Terry Gilliam
Written by Michael Palin and Terry Gilliam Starring Craig Warnock, David Rappaport, Jack Purvis, Kenny Baker, Malcolm Dixon, Mike Edmonds, Tiny Ross, David Warner, Michael Palin, Shelley Duvall, Sean Connery, John Cleese, Ian Holm, Peter Vaughan, Katherine Helmond, Ralph Richardson |
The entire concept of Time Bandits should have been absolutely ridiculous. A gang of dwarf robbers who work for God steal his map of time and decide to rob historical figures. That should have been shot down before it ever got made. And yet, Time Bandits ended up a cult classic that I have enjoyed since I was a kid.
Somehow, the concept works. It's fun to see the gang rob Napoleon Bonaparte or get swindled by Robin Hood. Plus, the random cameos from Michael Palin and Shelley Duvall as a couple with some personal problems are always good for a laugh. Even Sean Connery was involved, playing the affable King Agamemnon of Mycenae. Of course, the coolest thing about this movie is it features a literal battle between God and the Devil (referred to as simply Evil). David Warner portrays a dark and sadistic version of the Devil, giving the film a great villain as well. Terry Gilliam has always been known for his bizarre and outlandish films, with Time Bandits being one of his best. I think anybody can find something to like about this film, from the terrifying image of God's face zooming towards the camera to the mythical giant of the Time of Legends. This film definitely has staying power and will long be remembered. |