An introvert named Walter embarks on a global journey to locate
a photographer and realizes his true potential along the way. COMEDY/DRAMA
The Secret Life
I didn't have very high expectations for this film. I expected another Tower Heist or something like that. Imagine my surprise when I discovered that The Secret Life of Walter Mitty was an endearing and inspiring dramedy that reminded me why Ben Stiller attracted audiences in the first place: His relatability.
Stiller provides a strong performance as the shy and careful Walter Mitty, who has never done anything worthwhile in his life. When he finally decides to take the plunge to go find photographer Sean O'Donnell (Sean Penn) in Greenland, Walter's humdrum life becomes something much greater than what he could have hoped for. That is exactly what happens to the film. Through Walter's various daydreams during the first half, we are treated to a glimpse of what Walter wants to be. The hero, the adventurer, the man who laughs in the face of danger. It's this aspect of the movie that drew me in. Walter's journey of self-discovery is nothing short of inspiring, which is more than often a sign of a great movie. I urge more people to give The Secret Life of Walter Mitty a chance. It has power that few movies do. This film can motivate you to want to do great things. I count this film among Ben Stiller's best, because it provides a realistic take on the average guy. Most of us will never act on our dreams. This film shows us that there is more to lose by staying put than following your own happiness. |