A young Hobbit and his eight companions embark on a
dangerous quest to destroy the One Ring and save Middle-Earth. ACTION/DRAMA/FANTASY
The Lord of the Rings:
The Lord of the Rings is one of the greatest cinematic achievements of our time. Adapted from a story thought to be unfilmable, Peter Jackson accomplished wonders and made one of the most incredible series of films I've ever seen.
In this first installment, we meet the heroic Fellowship and begin the epic journey to Mordor to vanquish the Dark Lord Sauron and save Middle-Earth. I would argue that this film is much more fantasy oriented than the others, as in The Two Towers, we are introduced to the world of Men and the films become much more dramatic and realistic. That is no way a bad thing, as it makes the series even better. The Fellowship of the Ring is only the beginning, introducing fans of Tolkien's work to the perfect reimagining of his vast fantasy world that only Peter Jackson could design so flawlessly. Everything from the performances to the music to the costume design is absolutely perfect and The Lord of the Rings is the quintessential fantasy series of the decade. Never will these films be topped and forever will they stand as a reminder that any story can be adapted gracefully if the right care is taken with it. |
One ring to rule them all. This was one of the first lines to be spoken in The Fellowship of the Ring, and it has resonated for years after. The cinematic journey that is The Lord of the Rings has been an epic masterpiece that I will never forget. Peter Jackson surpassed all odds and made one of the most amazing fantasy films I've seen in years.
The first installment in this trilogy laid out all groundwork for the peril to come. The journey to Mordor, the Fellowship, Sauron, and the Orcs are all introduced. Not only are they perfect introductions, but everything in this film is beautifully realized. Thanks to Peter Jackson, Middle Earth has never looked this good. Fans of Tolkien's work and newcomers alike will be pleased with the results. The Fellowship of the Ring serves as a perfect first installment and solid introduction to the world of Hobbits, Elves, and Dwarves. This film series would be nothing if it weren't backed by the amazing performances and epic music. Every actor nails their role; with characters like Gandalf, Frodo, and Aragorn leaping off the screen and forever into cinema history. The music is also amazing, perfectly capturing all the emotions needed for the film. The Lord of the Rings still stands as one of my all time favorite fantasy films. They are epic, grand, and full of emotion. This was an excellent first installment that lead the way to two excellent sequels. |