The true story of pilot Chesley "Sully" Sullenberger, who successfully
landed his plane in the Hudson River and saved all on board. BIOPIC/DRAMA
Sully (2016)Directed by Clint Eastwood
Written by Todd Komarnicki Starring Tom Hanks, Aaron Eckhart, Laura Linney, Mike O'Malley, Anna Gunn, Jamey Sheridan, Chris Bauer, Christopher Curry, Sam Huntington Based on the book Highest Duty by Chesley Sullenberger and Jeffrey Zaslow Oscar Nominations - Best Sound Editing |
It was an event too miraculous to believe. On January 15th, 2009, U.S. Airways flight 1549 experienced dual engine failure at a dangerously low altitude. The pilot's only option was to force a water landing in the Hudson River or risk killing all 155 souls on-board. That pilot was Captain Chesley "Sully" Sullenberger, who managed to land the plane in the Hudson and secure the rescue of every single passenger and crewmember, resulting in an astonishing zero casualties. On that day, Sully became a hero to the entire country and 155 people had him to thank for their lives. This is the story of what followed, including Sully's national fame and his hearing with the FAA over whether or not he chose the best course of action.
Tom Hanks portrays Sully as a reluctant hero, a man who believed he was only doing his job and doesn't feel worthy of being called a hero. It's a humanizing performance that shows the humility and grace with which Sully handled his overnight fame. The scenes of the crash are some of the most realistic depictions of a plane crash ever put to film, capturing the intensity and fear that comes with it. I felt like I was there. Eastwood first shows the crash from the perspective of the passengers, then shows it from Sully's perspective near the end. The juxtaposition only makes you respect and admire Sully even more, knowing just how little time he had to make the most important decision of his life. Sully is a brilliant biopic that celebrates the Miracle on the Hudson and the man whose quick thinking made it happen. It's a feel good movie with a dark undertone as you see how badly Sully is coping with almost dying in a plane crash. You feel bad for him, especially when he's being grilled by the FAA over his decision. Whatever you may think about Chesley Sullenberger, you have to respect his dedication to his job and his determination to save all those people. I'm glad he's been immortalized in film as he's one of those people who deserves to be remembered. |