Rainy Dog is the second installment in Takashi Miike’s Black Society Trilogy. All three films stand alone, with no crossover. Miike is an absolute legend when it comes to foreign cinema. His style is extremely unique, distinctive, and raw. It took me a while to dive into his work, but this is the fourth Miike film I’ve seen and I have not been let down whatsoever.
Shô Aikawa plays the main character, Yuuji, who is a mysterious man that kills for money because he was fired by his Yakuza syndicate. He’s a hitman with a white trench coat and these badass shades. Yuuji is minding his own business and then a woman drops a young boy off at his home, tells him that he is the father, and that it’s his turn to take care of the child. Yuuji acts quickly by taking on jobs that pay per hit, but some people aren’t going to just let these kills slide. Rainy Dog is very stylish and to the point. Aikawa carries the film in fine fashion as Yuuji, who is an extremely captivating person. Miike’s work usually doesn’t have the most heartwarming content, and Rainy Dog is no different. It rains a lot and a good amount of folks meet the end of their story. |