This odd comedy was funny at times, but strange as well. I believe it's one of Seth Rogen's best performances, as he plays both an a**hole and a nice guy simultaneously. The film romanticizes the role of a mall security guard, making it seem like the coolest job in the world, most of which is due to the hilarious cast. This film is one of the most underrated comedies I've ever had the pleasure of viewing.
This was one of the more odder comedies I've seen, but also one of the more hilarious ones. Seth Rogen was great in this movie, playing against type of his usual characters to great, and hilarious, effect. The rest of the supporting cast were great as well. Ray Liotta was great in the role of a cop. The film did a good job of satirizing the life of a mall cop without actually insulting them. This was an underrated movie that was full of hilarious moments and interesting characters. Definitely give this one a shot.