A vampire named Barnabas Collins is set free from captivity and returns
to his ancestral home, where his descendants need his protection. COMEDY/HORROR
Dark Shadows (2012)Directed by Tim Burton
Written by Seth Grahame-Smith Starring Johnny Depp, Michelle Pfeiffer, Helena Bonham Carter, Eva Green, Jackie Earle Haley, Jonny Lee Miller, Bella Heathcote, Chloe Grace Moretz, Gulliver McGrath Based on the 1966-1971 TV series |
Tim Burton has really fallen form grace in recent years. Once the king of quirky, offbeat films, they slowly started to seem less spirited in later years. The biggest culprit being his recent obsession with remakes. While Dark Shadows is not one of his best, and it's also another remake, it does show some spark that has been missing in the director's more recent works.
Before I go any further, I must admit that I have never seen the hugely popular gothic soap opera this film is based on. As someone who's intro to this universe is this very movie, I must say it's apparent the cast and crew are fans. Johnny Depp does a fantastic job as Barnabas Collins, mixing his usual off-kilter humor with a little menace. His love for the material shows through in every scene he's in. Eva Green also does a good job as the film's villain, even though she grated on my nerves at times. The rest of the cast does great too, with everyone delivering properly overly dramatic performances with their characters. Like past Burton films, there's a healthy mixture of macabre and humor. While both don't always necessarily work at times, they still tend to work better than previous Burton films. It's apparent this was made by fans of the show for fans of the show. It features many of the elements of the television series, including the melodramatic performances. It's also hugely helped by a cast who seem to be enjoying themselves throughout the movie. While it may not be one of Burton's best, it's a step in the right direction that shows the director still just may have some juice left in him. |