In the future, Batman finds himself facing the legendary Joker, who
has returned to Gotham City to get his revenge on the Dark Knight. ACTION/CRIME/SCI-FI
Batman Beyond:
I believe that Batman Beyond: Return of the Joker is arguably the best animated film that DC Comics ever released. It's one of the darkest Batman stories ever written and it brilliantly combines Batman Beyond and the classic Batman: The Animated Series. We get to see something we've never seen before: The last time Batman fought the Joker and the consequences of that night.
For a cartoon aimed primarily at children, it deals with very adult themes and is quite brutal at times. Still, Kevin Conroy and Mark Hamill continue to do what they do best and prove that they are the definitive animated Batman and Joker respectively. What makes this one so awesome is that we get to see Terry McGinnis become not just a Batman, but the Batman through his first meeting with the Joker. It's a passing of the torch movie as much as it is a Batman Beyond spin-off, and that's just perfect. |