As far as werewolf movies go, this one is the best by far. Rick Baker's astonishing makeup affects continue to hold up to this day and won him a well-deserved Oscar in 1982. His transformation scene will never be topped and is still cringe-inducing to watch after nearly 40 years. AAWIL is a unique horror film as it turns into comedy at times when you least expect it, especially the entire porno theater scene which has some of the best laughs in the film.
The nightmare scene with the freaky demonic bikers is incredibly terrifying and actually fits well into the narrative, showing how insane David is becoming with his new affliction. Overall, An American Werewolf in London is a phenomenal film that will never be topped in the werewolf subgenre. And remember this: Stay on the road and keep clear of the moors. Beware the moon, lads. |