A Simple Favor is a comedy thriller that follows Stephanie Smothers (Anna Kendrick) a cookie cutter widowed single mother who meets Emily Nelson (Blake Lively), a mysterious elegantly dressed woman with an equally elegant lifestyle, through their sons' schools. When Emily goes missing, Stephanie takes it upon herself to piece together just how Emily went missing with the help of her vlogging channel.
It’s pleasantly surprising to see Paul Feig work on something this dark. He has provided plenty of laughs in the past, but the style and plot twists in this are on a whole different level. Kendrick and Lively both give their best performances to date. The handsome and rising star Henry Golding offers just the right amount of support for both ladies. Films like this clearly have a fan base, because it almost made 100 million dollars. That’s extremely exciting because it means more opportunities for women in badass movies. |